Welcome to the Sphynx Page, still a work in Progress... Email me by clicking on my name at the top of this page!
Main stat: Wisdom. Secondary stat: Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity. Skill Trees: Faith 225, Fighting 200, Covert 80 Racial Restrictions: Elves Only Alignment Restrictions: Good Alignment
Main stat: Intelligence. Secondary stat: Dexterity. Skill Trees: Magic 300, Covert 125, Fighting.Defensive.Dodging 300 Racial Restrictions: Open to all races. Alignment Restrictions: No alignment restrictions.
Just remember one, most-important thing. You can't go wrong in this guild unless you try to go wrong.
Things you need to do. First you have to join the guild. To do that, you have to be an Elf, you must be in the tree, and
it is strongly recommended that you have reached level 5 in the Newbie guild (3 east, 1 south from starting position), and
while at the newbie guild, you "train" your Wisdom and or Strength/Dexterity/Con (see below) a bit. You get 5 points of training.
Also, make sure you ask your guild teacher about quests...
When advancing in the newbie guild, you only have 4 skills you need
to think about, Fighting (the only one you Need to do there), Faith, General and Vitality. Once you're ready, from the newbie
guild head to the southeasten part of the tree, where you'll see the Statue of Eliatha. Go north and up and "dedicate" yourself
to Eliatha. Then go East and join the guild.
Once you're in the guild, the first thing you should do is to go Commune with a totem spirit. There are 4 choices. Bear, Tiger
and Wolf (I ignore the 4th choice of Boar because it's stupid). To commune, find the sweat room in the guild
(currently it's east, southeast, east from where you join), and "commune" with the animal of your choosing.
If you go Bear, you're going to have a nice bonus to your Constitution and HPs, and should really go with a solid character. Use
the *Maces of Alghar when you Conjure your weapon, as Blunt gets a wee bit of Con modifier to it. Go with 2-limb weapons so
you can hit harder, you're not about finesse.
If you go Wolf (the most popular choice), you get a nice bonus to your Strength and alot of Guild Points. Use the *Swords of
Orion, and probably 2-handed, though either choice will work well. Sharp is based heavily on Strength.
If you go Tiger, you get a nice bonus to both Dexterity and Dodging. Sort of a weak combo, but tiger is still popular, just
for being Tiger. Use *Claws of Belagh as 1-limb weapons since your finesse is key (though you do just as well really with
2-handed claws, it just makes no thematic sense....)
* See Spells about these weapons.
Do not raise faith.spells.curing or faith.spells.misc, you gain no benefits at all for doing so.
Things of note: To get a higher level, once you start working on Faith.Items, raise 2 Faith.Item subskills to max (one should be Staff).
I've heard that you get a better enchant level on your weapon, at the cost of a couple of levels, by raising just Faith.Items.Staff
to max, then raising Faith.Items.
When you start, raise faith.spells.offensive.target to 135 so you can learn Conjure first, and never be without a weapon. The 'Shift'
command makes this weapon a good choice, even a best choice, unless you can find a player who will enchant another weapon for you.
You'll likely notice that Covert subskills are not listed in the Spoiler area. That's because you have to treat it special. Covert is the
cheapest (XP-wise) way to raise levels quickly. So, you just don't want to do that until you have to, due to you getting less XP per
kill the higher in level you are. My recommendation is to get to level 99 (100 makes you vulnerable to other players), XP until you have
your maximum XP, then go raise Covert.Stealth to max. Don't touch any other Covert sub-skill until after Covert is maxxed. You only
need Stealth (You can hide easily on a Covert.Hiding of 5, just might take a couple of tries)
This is the easy part. You get 5 points that you MUST spend in the newbie guild. You get 8 points that you'll receive from the
Mystic guild, but which come slowly based on level. There are 2 distinct methods for spending, depending on your playing style.
The first is for the solo-player, who wants to be completely independent.
Under Construction
As is true of any good guild, Sorcerers have so many options that it's hard to truly
decide the best way to go about advancing them. They're even so strong defensively that, you can be one of the most defensive
characters in the game without even concentrating on defense. And they are really good at defense, with the worst of players
still getting about 32 layers of protection (ignore 32 attacks completely), in addition to some great AC and other defensive
spells, as well as some of the best player-killer defense as you scatter the enemy to the 4 winds, or hinder them greatly with
Zephyr's breath. If you want to enjoy the game, and not worry about dying after you're maxxed, this is the best guild choice
for you. But they're not so strong offensively, even if you overmax for it. So, while they can hold their own against most
players via their defensive spells, they're not so good at killing the enemy player. And they're Guild Point (mana) Hogs due
to their defensive spells, and their only good offensive spell being so... expensive to cast (1200GPs!)
So, first thing to do, get through the Newbie Guild, and while there, get Fighting and Vitality to 5 for 40,000 XP
Get your Quest by asking your guild person, and Train your stats as described under Attributes
Do the Quest and get to the Sorcerer's Guild (Near Rhone and the entrance to the UnderDark. SouthEast, along a Strand)
Your advancement plan may change dependent on your racial selection. If you choose a very non-magical race for whatever reason,
such as Orc or Dwarf, just to get some of the most basic levels of defense requires a more intensive overmax of the defensive
skills, and at a huge cost to offensive capabilities. With that in mind, this is the basic advancement plan for all races that
can be altered to suit your race.
Like it or not, Elves make the Best of Sorcerers with their seemingly defensive bonuses to Magic. As such
one of the things an Elf should consider is to skip the advancement of magic.spells.defensive in Group 2 since,
even without that, you'll still have as-good of a defense as anyone else in your guild. It allows you to focus
on Offense a bit more, as well as Misc.
In the Newbie Guild you want to focus on non-Intelligence. I personally suggest focusing on Strength and/or
Constitution there because you lose alot of points if you train those in our guild. Personally, I do Strength
because I melee for XP as a Sorcerer, Encumberance, and with our Defenses, HP's rarely matter. Most people do constitution
though, for the obvious reasons. You get 5 points to spend, spend them all in the Newbie Guild or you lose them
all once you join the Sorcerer's Guild.
In your tenure at the Sorcerer's Guild, you'll get 8 points to spend. No matter what, get your Intelligence to
at LEAST 17 (that lets you drink 7 potions and wear a +1 Intelligence Modifying piece of Armour for a 25 Max).
I suggest spending as many of the 8 points on Intelligence as possible, so as to not be dependent on Intelligence
Potions. While they are plentiful and cheap now, that may not always be the case. The remaining points I'd spend
to get a 20 Dex. Dex, however, is the one stat that never needs Training currently, with Potions and Elude, you're
guaranteed to get to a 25 Dex, but again, that requires a dependency on Potions.
Under construction...
Triggers are the meat of any good character, so if you don't have ZMud(CMud), not only will you not know what I'm talking about
here, but you're missing out. Majorly.
To those that know a bit, here's a basic tutorial on how to use Triggers, and common fallacies with trigger use. The most
common of all fallacies is that so many people trigger reactions to actions. Ie: #TR {spell ends} {cast spell} BAD!
You have to think outside the linear progression of basic triggers, and instead, focus on turns. Every 2 seconds, you get
another "turn" to do up to 10 actions. During that "turn" you can not do some things multiple times, such as casting a
defensive spell (1 per turn). So, a good trigger setup learns to use the turns, learns to count actions, and learns to take
the 10 most important actions needed, and do just those 10. That is assuming, however, that you're letting your 'bot' do
everything. Including movement. Since few will ever do that, you should probably limit yourself to moving 5 squares per
turn, and letting your triggers have the other 5, especially in a combat situation. So, the very first step to using triggers
is to turn your Hud on and start using your Turns. Here are the things you need to do for Hud:
monitor off
hud on
hud linemode on
hud hp numerical
hud rate 1
hud max xp on
hud autoclear on
If you have any other hud options on, including defenses, you should turn those off, though changing your char set (to 4) is fine.
Step 2: You're now getting spammed, so create a simple Reactive trigger that aides you in tracking basic data.
#TRIGGER {^Hp: (%d)~((%d)~) Gp: (%d)~((%d)~) Xp: (%d)~((%d)~)}
{#VAR hp %1;#VAR maxhp %2;#VAR gp %3;#VAR maxgp %4;#VAR xp %5;#VAR maxxp 6;#GAG;}
Note, you could also use the ampersane (&) to store the variables, but you have less control over what that means,
which becomes important in other Hud layouts, as I'll show further down, so as a general rule, I'll always use the (%X) to
create triggers with you.
Next up, get graphical. You should have a few gauge buttons going on, so fill these in
Next step is learning to organize actions to turn. The most important Curative spell for a Mystic is Animal
Animo, so let's look at how to do that.
#TR {^You reach out to nearby fauna, calling them to aid your regenerative powers} {#VAR animo 1} {mystic}
#TR {^Your mystical regenerative powers have dissipated} {#VAR animo 0} {mystic}
This says that, once we've cast the spell, set a variable, once the spell expires, reset the variable. We put the class
at mystic (the {mystic} part) so that we can just disable that if we refresh into a new character, without having to rebuild
it if we refresh into a Mystic later.
Now add this to a turn:
Boy, that's a bit complicated, but easy to read. If your Animo is gone, you haven't cast a curative spell yet, and you've
taken fewer actions than your maximum number of actions, then cast the spell, mark that you've cast a curative spell, and
add 1 to your actions so you can see that you've taken 1 of your 5 potential actions.
And it's JUST as fast as a reactive trigger. You never have to worry about "You are already casting a curative spell" nor
of a "Too many queued commands. Restart will free queue. Discarding cast".
Now you have to do it for combat situations (always differentiate the 2 by creating 2 seperate triggers that do pretty
much the same thing. Nothing is more important than seeing that you're in (or not in) combat).
Feel free to rip this for your own guild setup, I wrote this today inside of an hour, so it's not as fully tested as I might like,
you might wanna come back later to get an updated version of the Bot. But, seems to be working great so far...
#CLASS {SorcBot}
#VAR reduce {0} {satchel}
#VAR drop {0}
#VAR stormBond {0}
#VAR invisItem {0}
#VAR layeredWindsDef {0}
#VAR airSteelDef {0}
#VAR resistElecDef {0}
#VAR resistMagDef {0}
#VAR defCasting {0}
#VAR targetDef {0}
#VAR miscDef {0}
#VAR defDef {0}
#VAR allowedDefs {arnthor|sphynx}
#TRIGGER {(*) says loudly, ~"(%w) (*)~"} {
#IF (@defCasting = 1) {sa Please wait, someone else is currently being taken cared of} {
#IF (%2 = reduce) {
get %3
#var reduce %3
#var defCasting 1
#IF (%2 = bond) {
get %3
#VAR stormBond %3
#var defCasting 1
#IF (%2 = invis) {
get %3
#VAR invisItem %3
#var defCasting 1
#IF (%2 = winds and %ismember( %lower( %3), @allowedDefs)) {
#VAR layeredWindsDef %3
#var defCasting 1
#IF (%2 = steel and %ismember( %lower( %3), @allowedDefs)) {
#VAR airSteelDef %3
#var defCasting 1
#IF (%2 = defs and %ismember( %lower( %3), @allowedDefs)) {
#VAR defenses 1
#var defCasting 1
#var layeredWindsDef %3
#VAR airSteelDef %3
#VAR resistElecDef %3
#VAR resistMagDef %3
sa Casting Layered Winds, Air Steel, Resist Magic and Resist Electricty on %3
#IF (%ismember( %2, "defs|winds|steel") and %ismember( %lower( %3), @allowedDefs) = 0) {sa Sorry, %3, you are not currently in my list of Allowed Defenders, if you're an Elf or a Friend I will add you as soon as I am not AFK.}
#TRIGGER {^Your target is already resisting electricity} {
sa You are already resisting Electricity, @targetDef
#VAR resistElecDef 0
#TRIGGER {^Your target is already resisting magic} {
sa You are already resisting Magic, @targetDef
#VAR resistMagDef 0
#TRIGGER {Cannot find (*)} {#IF (@casting = 1) {sa Sorry, can not find the %1. Please try dropping it first and then use the lsay command to re-initiate the casting}}
#TRIGGER {^Your target is protected with a similar spell} {sa You are already protected by a Layer or Image type spell, @targetDef, Layered Winds won't stack.}
#TRIGGER {Your target is already protected by this spell} {sa You are already protected by a Defensive Armour spell that Air Steel will not stack with, @targetDef.}
The following maps allow you to speedwalk all over the Realms pretty easily. However,
it lacks most quest-like information, that includes simple things like where to enter the pool for the abyss, maneuvering
through Kilgoran, and other areas. You need to know where you're going and what you're doing, these are just to get you there
(or a place near there) quicker without you having to do the pain-staking process of actually mapping.
To use, save these in your C:/Program Files/ZMud/ directory, then open your Maps in Zmud, go to File, and Open the map
you want to use. Find where you're standing on the map, right click and "Set as Current Position". Go Edit -> Map Properties
go down to Speedwalking, and set the Step Delay to 250 (You only have to do this step once.
Find the room you want to go to, right-click, and Speedwalk to location.
This was created by an old-time player, Epicar. I'll work on creating .plan files for
each of the guilds as time presents itself. Until then, it should help you do some planning if you don't mind creating your
own .plan with the program.