Children of the Dragon

Image of a PrimaryHand Placeholder
Image of a OffHand Placeholder
Image of a torso
Image of a legs
Image of a helmet
Image of a bracers
Image of a boots
Image of a gloves
Image of a shoulders
Image of a Misc Placeholder
Image of a Ring1 Placeholder
Image of a Ring2 Placeholder
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                              //.-~~~-~_--~- |-------~~~~~~~~
         |                                                     |
         |    Welcome back to the Children of the Dragon       |
         |                                                     |

Sunlight pours into a clearing in the sylvan woods, dappling the forest floor where wildflowers mingle with lush moss. To the north, the dense trees stand as silent guardians, their branches high above a path that weaves deeper into the woodland's heart. Eastward, a cheerful brook trickles by, its banks dotted with smooth stones and promising refreshment. The southern edge of the clearing opens to a trail lined with ferns, leading toward an expanse of towering oaks. West lies a gentle slope, descending to a thicket that echoes with the calls of hidden fauna. Above, the sky is a broad as of blue, suggesting that the day is ripe for exploration in any direction.
Available Exits: [north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest]


Strength: 8
Intelligence: 15
Dexterity: 8
Wits: 8
Constitution: 8
Willpower: 20
Current XP: 0
Hit Points:


Cast Elemental Burst
Cast Electric Blast
Cast Shield
Cast Magic Missile
Assign Action
Assign Action
Assign Action
Assign Action
Assign Action
Assign Action
Assign Action
Assign Action